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GoldFish Queen

The info regarding importing goldfish from GoldFish Queen's Farm in China.

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Monday, December 05, 2005

9.(Goldfish)Calico Egg-fish with Phoenix Tail

With blue grounding the whole body is decorated by many colors such as red, black and white, which looks brilliant, dazzling and extremely beautiful. However, black patches couldn't be too many while red ones are a must. Those with red patches on the head are particularly best quality. Besides, there are Red Egg-fish with Phoenix Tail, Red and White Egg-fish with Phoenix Tail, Orchid Egg-fish with Phoenix Tail, Green Egg-fish with Phoenix Tail, Silver Egg-fish with Phoenix Tail, Iron Grey Egg-fish with Phoenix Tail, Transparent Egg-fish with Phoenix Tail and Red and Transparent Egg-fish with Phoenix Tail, etc.
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